Frequently Asked Questions


Is it true that NR series can be washed with only water and air?

Yes, it is true. NR series can be washed with only water and air.


Is it possible to wash multiple molds with one washing machine?

It is possible to wash multiple molds within the maximum flow rate.
You can optionally increase the number of connection ports


Does the NR Series require regular maintenance?

The machine controls the pressure of the water on the filter as dirt builds up on the filter. If you get an error, you'll need to replace the filter. And the water needs to be changed about once a week. In addition, the internal packing is replaced about once a year and the pulsating cylinder is replaced every few years.


What should I do when it breaks down?

Failures that require engineer dispatch are unlikely to occur, Because the structure is simple. It is possible to replace the packing by the customer while referring to the operation manual. If you're unsure, I'm available for a free phone or email consultation. If a problem occurs that is difficult for the customer to deal with, an engineer will visit the site immediately and take care of it. In that case, the cost will be discussed on a case-by-case basis.


Can I test the NR series before I buy it?

Yes. You can do it.
However, you will be responsible for the actual cost of transportation the machine and dispatching an engineer, as well as the cost of the filters used.
The duration of use is one week.


Is it possible to use the machine with chemicals in it?

No. You can't do it.
We are not responsible for the damage to the pump, etc., if chemicals are added.