At BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD, we recognize the importance of our customers’ Personal Information, and handle such information with the utmost care and attention.

The Privacy Policy shown below explains the kinds of policies according to which the personal information of everyone who uses this website is collected, utilized and managed by BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD. If you do choose to make use of our website, we ask that you please read this Privacy Policy. In using our site, it will be assumed that you have agreed to the terms of this policy.

This website agrees to notify users with regard to the following things:

  1. Regarding the collection of Personal Information;
  2. Regarding the use of Personal Information;
  3. Regarding the sharing of Personal Information;
  4. Regarding the amendment and/or deletion of Personal Information;
  5. Regarding the access log file;
  6. Regarding the management of Personal Information
    (e.g. safety countermeasures and methods of auditing employees and subcontractors);
  7. Regarding the renewal of this Privacy Policy.

If you feel that BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD is not observing and acting in accordance with the Privacy Policy displayed here, please contact us (TEL: +81 27-364-3069 or E-mail: We will do our best to answer to your concerns to the fullest possible extent.

  • 1. Regarding the collection of Personal Information

    “Personal Information” as stated in this Privacy Policy means names, addresses, places of work, departmental affiliations, telephone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail addresses and any other user information that can be used to identify that individual personally, or information about a user’s particular hobbies and tastes, etc. When users make use of this website to make inquiries, purchase applications or job applications, etc., we ask them to provide such Personal Information. The collection of Personal Information by BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD is done strictly by provision at the user’s own free will, and when a user provides Personal Information it shall be deemed that the user has understood and agreed to the fact that such Personal Information may be used by BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD in accordance with this Privacy Policy; provided, however, that BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD shall not, without the consent of the individual in question, disclose a user’s Personal Information to any third parties by any means other than those disclosed in this Privacy Policy.

  • 2. Regarding the use of Personal Information

    When collecting Personal Information, BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD will clearly state the purpose for its collection. BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD uses Personal Information for the purpose of providing services that cater to the requests of customers/users, such as in answering inquiries, providing information and directions relating to job applications, and information relating to applications for purchase, etc. BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD will not use Personal Information for any purpose other than the purposes listed above and/or other purposes of use agreed to by the user at the time of providing such Personal Information. Where the need arises to use Personal Information for any purpose other than these, BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD shall notify the user of that fact prior to such use.

  • 3. Regarding the sharing of Personal Information

    As a general rule, BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD will not provide users’ Personal Information to any third parties without the consent of the user, with the exception of the following cases:
 (1) When commissioning the delivery and/or postal dispatch processing of products and/or items relating to other services to an affiliate company;
 (2) When BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD must disclose such Personal Information in accordance with the law (As a general rule, BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD will not disclose a user’s private information to any third parties without the consent of the user in question. However, where requested to do so by the courts, police, tax office, consumer affairs bureau or other such organization or institution authorized to make such requests under the authority of applicable laws and ordinances, etc., there may be cases in which BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD responds by providing such information without the consent of the user in question.);
 (3) When BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD provides or discloses registered details and/or Personal Information to other companies with the consent of the user; and
 (4) When the actions of the user are in violation of the terms and conditions of use and/or guidelines, etc., and where it is deemed necessary in order to protect other users and the rights, property and services, etc., of the BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD.

  • 4. Regarding the amendment and/or deletion of Personal Information

    When a user’s Personal Information changes due to reasons such as change of address, etc., or when a user has expressed the wish for their Personal Information to be deleted, BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD shall accordingly amend or delete the Personal Information provided by said user. Users may also decline to be contacted by BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD with the exception of a certain portion of content. Customers who wish to modify or delete their Personal Information, or to decline being contacted by BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD should contact using the following:


    TEL +81 27-364-3069


  • 5. Regarding the access log file

    In order to investigate the trends and usage behavior of everyone using this website,
    BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD uses an access log.

  • 6. Regarding the management of Personal Information

    BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD takes all possible measures to protect users’ Personal Information and ensure that it is used in accordance with the intentions of user. BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD also pays the utmost care and attention to prevent the occurrence of loss, misuse, unauthorized use, public exposure, alteration and/or destruction of such data, conducts internal training/education regarding the protection of Personal Information, and is working to further bolster its Personal Information management framework.

  • 7. Regarding the renewal of this Privacy Policy

    When making any changes to this Privacy Policy, BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD will display those changes on this website. Displaying the latest version of this Privacy Policy on the site makes it possible for users to constantly find out about how their private information is collect and used. We ask that users check the policy on a regular basis. When using Personal Information in ways other than those stated at the time of initial collection, BLUE ENGINEERING CO., LTD will communicate that fact to users by displaying it on this website. Everyone has the choice to decide whether or not it is acceptable for this website to use Personal Information in ways other than those initially stated.

June 2020